Sunday, June 29, 2008



It’s a myth that anyone can be totally free
Even the birds are not !

I can say this without any doubt or hesitation
As I have spent days and days
In a deserted city park, totally free to the onlookers...

Lazing around , doing nothing...
But little did those onlookers realize that
I was sentenced to this freedom
I was sentenced as I could not conform !

And during this ‘total freedom’ I was carrying
A non-stop computer on my poor shoulders

I seldom saw the birds playing and scooting
On the rippled lake of that municipal park
But when I saw them, once in a while...

I noticed that these birds too had been sentenced
To their freedom; they too had a pattern
They too had their fears, they too had their norms !

Occasionally I saw a lone non-conforming maverick bird
But he too did not seem totally free !!!

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